Longer Table at First Baptist Alcoa
Daily Times: https://www.thedailytimes.com/news/longer-table-williamson-gains-back-faith-in-people-through-family-promise-blount-county/article WBIR https://www.wbir.com/video/news/local/alcoa For more information: https://www.fbalcoa.org/
Taylor’s Story
I had an infant and a 4 year old when I came into the program. I had a job. I had a car, I just didn’t have a roof over our heads. I walked into Kathi’s office, spoke with her and got accepted into the program. We went through the program and went into transitional […]
Mariah’s Story
I was currently unemployed at the time, and my husband was trying to get his disability paperwork in order. We had been staying with my in-laws at the time and that situation quickly because unable for us to stay there anymore. They had their own financial struggles. I remember coming into the office and speaking […]
Misti’s Story
In her own words: Alright. So here goes one of the hardest posts I have done but to those struggling… maybe it will help. I said I would tell a little about my life over the last year and why I’m always so happy now. Sorry for the very long post. I know I haven’t […]
Kelly & Casey’s Story
We are originally from Blount County but we were in Florida at the time. We got into an argument with Casey’s parents, so initially we had to leave. We moved here with $300 to our name and with having 5 kids that isn’t good. My mom actually found a pamphlet about Family Promise and gave […]
Jan’s Story
I have been volunteering since the very beginning of Family Promise. I remember I was in my Sunday School class and they were asking us who wanted to help. I said, “I’ll be the Food Coordinator,” and I still am for my church. That’s my role. I try to make them feel special and hang […]
Tom and Adimina’s Story
Sara’s Story
My daughter Aria was only one year old when we entered the program and I just remember all the churches being so fascinated by her and impressed. They even went out of their way to buy her brand new toys and it really just amazed me. When I first entered the program, I didn’t expect […]