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Misti’s Story

In her own words:

Alright. So here goes one of the hardest posts I have done but to those struggling… maybe it will help.

I said I would tell a little about my life over the last year and why I’m always so happy now. Sorry for the very long post. I know I haven’t posted a whole lot during the last year. I’m going to be honest I was in a dark place mentally. We lost someone very dear to the boys and myself. Losing this person also resulted in me losing my job and it was just a complete snowball effect. I lost my cabin in Rockford, my Xterra blew its motor… I just didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. I had a lot of friends step up and offer their home which I was very appreciative of… but it still wasn’t ours. Then we moved to Sevierville into a 5 bedroom house. Boy we thought we were something. To be honest, I started making up excuses as to why I couldn’t go to church… stopped thanking God for all he’s done for me. Just living the life. You know that saying always stay humble… well I learned the hard way. Back in May literally one day after Mother’s Day I was told the house was being sold out from under us and we had 7 days to move. This rocked our world. We stayed in between a few houses and to be honest even in a tent for a week. Then I remembered this program that was talked about at Rio called Family Promise. Let me tell you something about these folks… they have changed my life completely. I am now in a nice apartment and thanks to their support, the support of my amazing job, and my family & friends, and most importantly God, we have been able to finally come out on top. Another Family Promise  program called Wheels 2 Work* put me in a nice Toyota Hybrid that saves me tons on gas.

And now we are in process of working with Habitat for Humanity for a house. We actually have our home visit this weekend so its coming along quickly. I can tell you I thank God every day, every night, and sometimes just randomly through the day for what he’s done for my family.

Always remember sometimes the hardest storms birth the greatest change. Even when I was technically homeless I was happier than I had been in years. I learned to look at things in a different light. If you need any info on any of the programs I have mentioned let me know. I can give references a mile long about how amazing these people are. And remember always stay humble… you never know what tomorrow brings.

Just let go and let God. He knows whats best love y’all


*Wheels 2 Work is funded by the United Way of Blount County, cars are donated by private community donors.

Post edited slightly for clarification –  we wouldn’t be able to support our families without ALL of the partner agencies, partner churches, and volunteers.

Blount County is amazing and we are all creating a community where every child has a home!