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Seeking Volunteers – Meals for Shelter

We are so grateful to our congregations and volunteers who prepare meals for our shelter families each week.

Today we are asking for help.

We have several “Open Weeks” in our schedule.  That means no congregation has signed up to provide meals for that week. So we are looking for new partners –

like Maryville Junior High Brittany Strom’s Culinary Students

who stepped up BIG and provided all the meals for 3 nights in February!

If you are willing to cook 1-4 meals we need your help!

Here is how it works:  you go to Sign up Genius and choose a day – check the box. ☑

Choose quantity (1-4 meals)

It helps us if you put what you are making in the comments!

Add your contact information.

At the bottom of the page click:



You cook a meal on the day you have chosen.

You can deliver it any time – If you prefer to deliver it hot, let us know and someone will be here between 4 and 4:30 to receive it – some volunteers drop meals off in the morning and we heat it up before our beloved meal delivery volunteer comes to “Uber” it over to the families!

If you prepare a frozen meal you can drop it off any day that week – each family also has a kitchen to heat up their meal.  This helps with families who might work a different shift and aren’t home at 5 to have dinner.

You can also donate a frozen meal anytime – sometimes we have a guest or previous guest who experiences a life event (illness, job loss, new baby) who ask for meal assistance.

Grocery or restaurant gift cards help us assist families on our waitlist until we have room in our program.



We will have more open dates as the year goes on. If your congregation isn’t a “Host or Support” church will you be the volunteer who asks your church family to help? We are also open to new partnerships – you don’t have to be a “church” to be the host for a night or a week of meals!

A Sunday School class, club, or business might be able to put a meal together if each brings one thing  (Example: salad, main course, bread, sides, dessert.)  Then it is easy to make a meal!  We can give you more information, come speak to your group, whatever you need to be a partner!