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How You Can Help

Friends, it is a time of great uncertainty. Like you, we have been monitoring the COVID-19 crisis for several weeks. Despite all that is going on, we are still called to serve the most vulnerable families in our community. The services Family Promise of Blount County provides will be needed even more in the months to come. Many of you have asked how you can help. Please read below for updates on our organization and ways you can continue to serve our families in this unprecedented crisis.

Our church rotation is currently on pause until further notice. Our families are safely housed and they have access to the staff. We will ensure they have food and other basic necessities. You can help support them by purchasing the groceries below. These items can be brought to the Day Center between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. (Please note: office hours may change in the coming weeks. Call before driving to the Day Center.) *The families we are currently serving have no food allergies.*

  • Diapers (Size 5, Size 6)
  • Wipes
  • Laundry detergent
  • Peanut Butter
  • 2% Milk
  • Bread
  • Cheese Sticks
  • Granola Bars
  • Grocery store gift cards/Gas gift cards

The Resurrection Run, scheduled for April 11, has been cancelled. If you had already registered, please follow the instructions in the RunSignUp e-mail you will soon receive. This is a major fundraiser for Family Promise of Blount County. Without it, we will be facing a shortfall of funds needed to continue our programs. Please consider making a donation online or by mail. Online giving is quick, easy, and secure. Every dollar makes a difference in the lives of our families. Did your spring break trip get cancelled? Consider donating some of the money you would’ve spent on the trip to help Family Promise! We have an obligation to care for the most vulnerable among us, and in this time of crisis, giving to Family Promise is a concrete way to help.

We are monitoring the ongoing situation and will continue to provide updates as necessary. Beginning tomorrow, our office hours at the Day Center will be 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. If you are bringing food donations, please call 865-233-4737 before stopping by to ensure a staff member is on-site.

Our number one priority is the well-being of the families we serve. With your help, we will continue to care for them and meet their needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me via e-mail:

Thank you for your prayers and your ongoing support. We may be physically practicing social distancing, but our hearts are not. We can come up with new, creative ways to serve and meet the needs of those in our community. And when this crisis has passed, I look forward to serving alongside you for years to come.

Caroline Lamar
Executive Director